

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

About My Sister

This morning, I found this peom in my mail box - and decided to dedicate this to my little sister.
One more year has passed on by,
Don't look back
Keep your head held high
For you're missing the most valuable moments,
You see...When you are looking down toward your feet.
Walk, if you run, you'll find yourself wondering
Why or When What never failed to smile down at you,
Somehow, forgot to grin.
We somehow took for granted then,
The special times we shared-
Smiles, smells of home, were there
Whenever we got scared.I ran to and from that place,
Yet, never saw that smile.
I look up now, no place to run,
And it's been here all the while.
I realize late, the things that time
Can't allow us to hold for long.
The youngest, the oldest, and all in between
Can't return, once time has gone-
Take time, hold the moments, in time they slip away,
Words one heart fought, with a smile to say.
This year will pass, as the years before,
Smile at the life, that you most adore.
When time comes and you "forget" to grin, too...
Those who remember your smile of love,
Will hold heads high, to smile right back at you.

She likes lily so much. Hmmm jenuh ler nak mencari benih bunga nih......she wants it to be in our English Garden
My sister's expertise. MONITOR her most readable magazine. Hmmmmm nothing inside that Magazine..... words words words words........
So, its untouched. Tak de sapa pun minat nak baca.. kecuali dia.

Well, its not like other magazines... gossips, sexy girls and boys, flirting tips or related to it. But some times, its interesting because it tells you the recent findings in psychology.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Cup Cakes for Pak Teh!

This is our Pak Teh. He's a Singaporean. We had lots of fun. He is so funny..... the only "arabian uncle" ekekekekeke..... He is reciting doa after we made a suprise for him. An advance birthday party!

Happy birthday to you.... happy birthday to you.... happy birthday to pak teh... happy birthday to you...

He is making a wish! Pak Teh doa kan kami ok!

Cute kan?

Pak teh dan the Garfields

OPsss... kaki siapa tuh????? Seksi nyer!

Nama semua ada....

This is how the cupcakes first get into our house.

We ordered them from our neighbour... you can order from her too by looking at our most visited blog. She is nice. The the cupcakes are yummy!!!


Mak Engku loves fresh flowers... adik as well. So I bought for them bunga dahlia and lily.... cantik kan?

Far away..... mak engku and pak engku's MERC 230. The joyride each time they cme and visit Putrajaya..... cool babe!
Little pond for my little chicks

Mak Engku's skirting... biru lagik!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Deepavali 2008

The Light Celebration is going on now!!

House Warming cum Open House Raya 2008

This year is our first House Warming or perhaps Open House Raya 2008. All the aunties and uncles (Pak Engku's side) came to visit our little hut. Not much, but we are proud of what we have. Dedicated to mak engku and pak engku. All our loves are for them.

We have ste - prepared by Uncle Man - Mak Engku the only brother.
This is Nelly - she has another friend, named Nila

All the kuih raya are from Singapore - pak teh and uteh brought for us.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Morning Has Broken

This is my sis favourite song sang by Cats Steven or Yusof Islam lyrics by Eleanor Farjeon
one... and two... and three...

Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for the springing fresh from the word

Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day

Oh ya..... one top secret which will be no longer a secret... "She cant sing!" (jangan marah dik!)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Okay... dont get me wrong if I post this pic. I had two days time to do my work and that really make me sick! I mean REALLY REALLY SICK!!!!! I hope I have a ginnie, with a click, she would give me beautiful perfecto paperwork! (Hmmm I can be that ginnie to my sis - if she would like to have one ! Ejejjeje)

The paper or perhaps a book that I am working on is 300 pages!!!!!!!!! Imagine.... I have to edit and edit. I should endeavor to enrich my conceptions of being a WRITER - I have endeavored to do this by fashioning my mind, my BRAIN. I still remember when I was completing my research, my sis once complaining that I am so much into my research work until everything she said must be supported with facts, data and researches. Poor her... she has to cope with that style. Well, its for her own benefits.. not get too absorbed with others work. Everything in this world has room for improvement. I bet, she has that kindda thinking...Alhamdulillah.. (woitt sis... really??)

I want to PLAY AND BE FUN! I want to sleep all night without thinking about it no more. I want to watch movies, swimming everyday at my little pool, I want to have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on... one step ahead and I will get it for sure!

Monday, October 13, 2008

2006 - Munich - Prague

Fresh Flowers At Home

These are some of fresh flowers we have at home. At least, once a week, we must have fresh flowers.......... we like colorful flowers, beautiful smell, feeling new everyday. People may not like fresh flowers.. why? susah nak jaga, malas nak ganti air... most of all... mahal especially in Putrajaya.

How to take care fresh flowers? Supaya tahan lama?? Here are some tips:
My friend taught us to add a small amount of sugar and lemon juice. Why? Sugar acts as a food to flowers and lemon juice allows the food to travel up the stem faster and more efficiently. Tak percaya? Cubalah!

Alternatively, you can also use a small amount of sugar, aspirin and a coin (5 cent) in your vase for the same effect. Ini mudah ler..... campakkan siling 5/10/20 sen... 50 cent is too big laa.... tapi nak letak apa salahnya!

This is my favourite... baunya sedap banget! Tahan lama dan segar seluruh living room!

Oh ya... satu lagi. Make sure you place flowers away from fruit. Fruit gives off a natural gas that harms flowers. Kalau campur dgn bunga plastic, as above pic.. tak pe... but not fresh buah okay!

Finally, if you want to cut flower from your garden, like rose you shoud do it early morning. The flowers have had the benefit of cool night air and morning dew. Their stems are filled with water and carbohydrates and so are firm to the touch. As the day warms up, flowers gradually dehydrate.
But not during the midday (tengah hari buta) as transpiration rates are at a peak and plants are rapidly losing moisture through their leaves. Flowers become limp; their necks become bent. If cut, they will not recuperate well and their vase life will probably be short.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What's happen when...

This video was taken during hari raya.... bah's (pak engku) kozin, uncle nyea and family came to our house. The grandchildren sebuk berenang... the 'po-po' main muzik... yang kelakarnya, uncle nyea tak nampak cord, abah/pak engku tak nampak sarikata.... dua dua nyanyi / play the music tonggang langgang... ekekeke... we ended with laughter..........

Dan Yang Tertinggal ....

Opsss che zura... sorry of this post will make your depression relapss.. ekekeke...... huhuhuhu of all the pics we took while we were there yang tinggal hanya cebisan ini saaja... lain lain... innanillah.............


Multiphasic Minnesota Personality Inventory - 2 (A)

MMPI - presently, there are only 4 government civil servants who could (at least) administer MMPI to the staffs (exclude the private sectors/KKK). Know how to explain, analyse and do ti step by step.

The 4 individuals are:

1. Y.Bhg Dato' Dr Ismail Alias (Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia),

2. Puan Azura Hamdan (Pegawai Psikologi, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia).

3. YM Raja Kamariah Raja Mohd Khalid (Pegawai Psikologi, Jabatan Perdana Menteri) and

4. Cik Norzah Abd Ghani (Penolong Pengarah, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia).

These are the photos taken during the workshops:

Dr Graham - he is the 'maha guru' of MMPI - walking bible for MMPI

This was the Forum Session - all the important persons were here to give their thoughts and ideas.

Yang paling kanan tu, Dr Steven Finn - he is so nice and tak kedekut ilmu. He administer MMPI with Rorsharch. Hmm.... this is so much of YM's work lah...........