

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yang Pelik dan Menarik

Umbut yang besar!
Ayam pakai baju. ekekk kiut kan?

Sambutan DPP 4/1

Balik balik - kami di sambut dengan resepi dari jiran sebelah... ekekke tengkiuk tengkiuk.......

Makan Makan Yam Sengggggggggggggggg

Aduih... at time moment... I just need more space in my tummy - the food was sooooooo delicious!!

Sibu Reception

Do you understand what they say??


Other pages.

We just came back from Sibu, to attend adik's 3rd reception - fuyooooooo ... this time, Anna's side. Hmmm their reception came out on the front page of Borneo's News Paper - 3 different coloums !!

Anna, Adik, Pak Engku and Mak Engku