

Monday, December 28, 2009

Job Stress?

Its near to the 2010 and my job load never ends. Everyday, even how much I try to get it done, the next day, there will be more letters, memos and to do's lists. I love my job, and I am glad that I have (finally) a buddy that at least could help me in many ways - may be I already know and foresee the personality characters of my buddy (I mean a real buddy) - huhuhuhuhu - lebih kurang sama macam yang ada kat rumah tuh.... so, its easy la to handle (hehehehhehe). And I feel glad that my buddy too, get used to my persona and at least could accept me when I am in a good mood, and the other - well, I think my buddy too, learnt about me (if that buddy is reading and following this blog, thanks so much for being so understanding, and keep on understanding me - and if you could satisfy me, then, you definately could satisfy others) - huhh... ayat...... adakah haku ini office mate yang dikategorikan 'sukar' ??? oh tidakkk!!!!! well, I have my personal psychologist to help me then........... (ma'dam........ please I need more medication!!!)

Hmmm...... I celebrated my 4* birthday, on 25th December 2009 - my brother did a suprise. Akak Dhada and my self went to Perling Mall - to get me some socks to heal my cramps - and as I reached home, mak, adik Jan, adik Anna and akak Dhada - sang loudly - as loud as the rain.... "Happy birthday to you..... happy birthday to you... happy birthday to Cik Ad.... happy birthday to you" - They never missed the celebration! I LOVE YOU ALL !!!!!

I remember each year - utih, ucu, a-a a.k.a g-bon, everybody in the family wish me long life, prosperity and happiness... ameen - remembering all these, has lessen the stress - alhamdulillah.

ps: This year... there's a lot of suprises! I get my self 2 electric guitar (imported) , a netbook, trip to UK and Surabaya. Hmmmmmmmm may all the years will get better and better.....

Friday, December 11, 2009

Raja Puteri Nur Dhannia - Mama D's heart

A Wee Bit of Heaven

A wee bit of heaven
Drifted down from above
A handful of happiness
A heartful of love
A mystery of life
So sacred and so sweet
The giver of joy
So deep and complete.
Precious and priceless
So lovable too
The worls'd sweetest miracle
Baby, it's you.
- By Helen Steiner Rice

Did I Shun??

Pemandangan Gunung Bromo setelah mendaki apprx. 250 steps, before that, terpaksa naik kuda merentasi gurun pasir (nak jalan kaki boleh... but its about 2km. naik kuda, cuma bayar
50 000 rp saja).

Di kawasan Sunan Ampel - One of the Wali Songo in Indonesia - I was astonished with stories how they performed dakwah to the Indonesian who was primely influenced by the Hindus.

Di kota Wonokromo, Surabaya inilah Sunan Ampel disemadikan.

Sunan Ampel is a name taken from the place he (sunan ampel 's real name is Raden Rahmatullah from the Champa Teritory - somewhere in Thailand) decided to berdakwah - his way of berdakwah is more towards toleration between the local people and the teaching of islam. Beliau hanya memberikan pengajaran sederhana yang menekankan pada penanaman akidah dan ibadah. Dia-lah yang mengenalkan istilah "Mo Limo" (moh main, moh ngombe, moh maling, moh madat, moh madon). Yakni seruan untuk "tidak berjudi, tidak minum minuman keras, tidak mencuri, tidak menggunakan narkotik, dan tidak berzina."
Mak bought a book on Wali Songo and I have read it all. Difficult to share it here... but its an eye opener for me to see things beyond my left logic brain!

The Pheonix - Burung Cenderawasih.... memang lembut bulunya...... cantik banget!

I am back...

Such a long break I had.
We went to Surabaya, Indonesia ; Mak, Abah, Adik Dhada and Aping - Adik Jan and Adik Anna, supposedly with us, but Adik Anna delivered the first grand-daughter of the family, and the first grand-daughter from the the first son of the family (iskkkkkk belit belit).... so they could not come with us. Sure, kalau Adik Jan dan Adik Anna, ada, tentu best - especially the part at Bromo Volcanic Mountain - I have huge stories to share.... about the new member of the family - and me as "Mama D" now................. kekekekkekeke best rupanya jadi 'Mama D' - Mama D to Raja Puteri Nur Dhannia Raja Mohd Kamarizan...