Raya 2009 was the most happening! Anna's family came to celebrate raya with us. They reached Senai at Raya Eve..... had ketupat for supper. The next day, we went jalan-jalan raya! ATE LOTS OF FOOD!!
From right: me, jenny, adik dhada and anna
Then, we followed the Chinese Culture - Makan Beramai-ramai. We went to my fav. seafood restaurant : ALAM. Fresh and yummy yummy......
Jenny with her FISH HEAD!
From right: Jenny, Anna's mother, Anna, Me and Adik Dhada.... burrrpppp
From right: Pak Engku, Anna's daddy and Adik Jan
Kekekkekekekeke .... makan makan makan : Anna is the happiest person here. Ya lo........ lama tak jumpa mereka kan?
OK. From right, Adik Jan (garu kepala ek dik??), Collin, Jacob and Jenny
These were the food we ate.
Ketam masak black paper
OK... it came to the end.... ni masa nak balik...
Collin, Jacob, Anna's daddy, Pak Engku and Adik Jan
Muahhhh muahhhh muahhhhh
alamak... apsal haku terselit kat situ ha????????