

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Music of Life OR Life of Music?

Some people may still mouring for MJ's death. But I like to share about how music sometimes has been given negative view by our society. The world of music agrees that music holds a natural magic that can unite human being - just in MJ's famous songs - Black or White, We are the World and many more... yet, our society offer much of criticism and questions of the do's and the dont's about music - and often see musicians mismanage, misunderstand and even discriminate againts the so-called 'dos and donts'

Perhaps from my view, musicians use much of their right brain - and the right brainers have different way of doing things, seing things, and all the odds for the left brainers. So, the right brainers use music and it gives an affect on memory and it is intriguing.
Music like Mozart and Baroque, both have a 60 beats per minute beat pattern, and indirectly activate the left and right brain of which maximizes learning and retention of information. Also, activities which engage both sides of the brain at the same time, such as playing an instrument or singing, causes the brain to be more capable of processing information.
I see MJ as a right brainer - his songs, his movements, and his way of thinking - even though I have not seen him talked more than 30 minutes, but I do believe he was a thinker - introverted - and only pour his ideas in a small group of people. Yet, the world has created the so called 'evil genius'.
Apa pun, Al Fatehah to MJ, may be rest in peace - Ameen.