

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 2010

Loging for holiday... ( its only January and my mind is wild with holiday trip!)

I love maps... and I love dictionary... why? entah laa... and I love travelling. I learnt from Mak Ungku and Pak Ungku that life is not only about ourselves... its about others.. about creatures.. and creations of God. And they really mean it... just imagine, both of them could walk distance and distance, without any complaints!! Malu owhhhh......

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all... and this new year will be the greatest year.. for me, for the family, Insya Allah. And I am very optimistic in 2010. YES I AM!
This telephone.... is phone I use at home. Hrmm....... it has super power! I have throw it, slam it, step on it, name it..... cuma tak sampai hati nak ketuk pakai tukul besi je lagi... why? Just because its an old telephone... old version. Many time I wanted to change it at TM, but ... tak sampai hati laa pulak.. and what more, I rarely use the phone... the bill came out normally with 3 numbers... rumah JB, hp Mak, Adik or Myself (ehhh... I didnt call my own number... only when I am out, adik will call me laaa kan).
Being more OPTIMISTIC 2010.... more positive energy will come to me. Ameen....