

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Another art work in progress

By art he gladly found what he did seek, A full requital of his striving pain. Art can do much, but this maxim's most sure: A weak or wounded brain admits no cure.

-Anne Dudley Bradstreet,

"Art is life - art is a lifestyfe, not a job one goes to... "

" At the bottom of the eddy of life's experience lies the paradigm of the soul..."

(T. Wright -Writer)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My art work

This is few crafts and art works for sale. They are all hand-made / free-hand drawing. Absolutely perfect for door-gifts, wedding gifts, or you can have them for personal collection!
Each is only RM 9.00 (postage not included)

Princess Bakawali

This is Pokok bunga bakawali ... or easily named by the 'esperts' as Epiphyllum anguliger or ric rac cactus, culturally, ada juga yang panggil bunga ini.... moon cactus dan queen of the night.

One interesting fact about this flower... the beautiful scent - and one more... akan kembang pada waktu malam, dalam pukul 10.00pm dah mula kembang. Bau menjadi lebih wangi pada pukul 12.00am iaitu bila ia kembang penuh. Bunga akan layu bila dah pagi. Sekali jer ia kembang, pas tu layu terus...

You know... accroding to some culture, this flower has its own mystical power. Menurut kepercayaan orang-orang cina bahawa pokok bakawali boleh mendatangkan tuah dan rezeki sekiranya berbunga. Mereka juga percaya sekiranya pokok Bakawali itu mati atau layu bermakna mereka akan mendapat musibah - God, jangan laaaaa biarkan pokok ni layu ya!

Orang-orang Melayu percaya ada orang Bunian akan berada berhampiran pokok bakawali semasa bunganya hendak kembang. Eheheh that's why we always pray to God, and let the Bunian meng-ameen-kan doa kami... ekekek sound syirik laaa Teri..... tapi... suka suka, pastu kita solat laa isyak kan?

Ada juga yang percaya bahawa terdapat seorang dewa dari kayangan yang menjaga bunga ini semasa ia kembang.Ada juga yang percaya bahawa pokok bakawali ini mempunyai hubungan yang rapat dengan orang yang menanamnya dan percaya sekiranya tuan punya pokok meninggal dunia, pokok bakawali yang ditanamnya turut akan mati - alamakkkkkkkkkkkk ni seram nih...

Anyways..... we as believer still have the Faith to Allah. He is most Merciful ....

Monday, July 28, 2008


I never thought that this would be a reality.. alhamdulilah.. I work day and night to have this dream of mine... thanks to Allah who give me this opportunity... Tapi kene kerja lagi nih.. nak top up kan duit . This is our contractor's vehicle..if you want to contact him, email me ya... he is so nice. All the renovation processes were under him.. the kitchen, studio, upper stairs... and now the swimming pool

Pasir.... batu.... simen..

Waduhh... rajin sungguh ini orang ya!
tekun bah...

My Swimming Pool is on its way..............

Wahhhh.... this was the second phase of the process

Huhuhu banyak nyer tanah!!

Bekas tapak backhoe (hmmm betul ke ejaan ni ya)

The worker....resting for a while..

Friday, July 25, 2008

Our USA Trip

On our way to Canada ......

Superior Lake
The fact is that we never thought that this is Tasik Superior that we learnt in school. Cik Noraini - huh- sapa tak ingat dia???????????
Scary! And now... I know how big is the Tasik! Its really really BIG

At out checkpoint US borer to Canada. When we entered the I.D the slang is different. The people are different. As Brad said "I am Bubbly" (opss... Brad, is my spelling correct?? Well, I'm not Canadian... so... tak apa lah kan???)


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Popeye The Sailor Man

Malaysian Hospitality
Our Pride
This one????

Reminds me on this song...

Look at what's happened to me,

I can't believe it myself.

Suddenly I'm up on top of the world,

It should've been somebody else.

Believe it or not,I'm walking on air.I never thought I could feel so free eee eee.

Flying away on a wing and a prayer.

Who could it be?Believe it or not it's just me.

It's like a light of a new day,It came from out of the blue.

Breaking me out of the spell I was in,

Making all of my wishes come true ue ue.

Believe it or not,I'm walking on air.

I never thought I could feel so free eee eee.

Flying away on a wing and a prayer.Who could it be?

Believe it or not it's just me

More Jumbo Jimbos

Macam macam ada
Tak cukup sudu?
Ni ada lagi
World Cup Euro 2006
Kasut sapa laa nih

Ada apa dengan almari

That's my world!

Ole ole dari Y.D.P Agong Malaysia
Mall of America
Personality Disorder? Anyone?
Little House On The Prairie

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Arrays of us when we are lost.

Element in nature... water sprays the atmosphere..


Personality .... to me it exixts in the minds of pthers... the way how people interpret your personality is the key to how they relate to us... and it is just the same way how we perceive an art work.. it may be meaningful to the painter.. but to the eyes of others.. or the MIND of others...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

MUSIC is all about ATTITUDE - and attitude is the disposition we transmit to others. It is also the way we see things mentallu from inside. You need not to agree with us... it is just how we perceived music as a mode of interaction within our emotion and attitude.
The more we focus on the positive factors in our environment, the easier it will be to remain positive. A studio in our little house???? Some one may say it 'silly' or may look at us differently... but biar lah kan?? But apa nak pening pening kepala. Que Sera Sera......

Remember this... everyone setbacks that can shake ones attitude into a negative focus. When this happens, we challenge it quickly - entering the 'magical world of music' (chewahh... our studio tu leerrr). This is the place where allows us to bounce back and regain a positive outlook.

Tra lala twidle de de........


Karaoke set.
Serunai, seruling... bonggo - she got me with that one... ekekek sorry ek!

Fiddler's on the roof

Kassim Selamat

View of our studio and the red sofa from Cavenzi

Music is a wy how we show our positive attitude - it is an outward manifestation of a mind that dwells primarily on positive matters. It a mind set tipped in favor of creativity rather than boredom... we enjoy our sadness hope over futility. More on our studio collections.

Mood expressions - Our way

Playing the piano - needs focus - just like using camera, we can focus or set you mind on what appeals to us. See the 'situation' in the melody we play... in the song we sing....

Huh.... hadiah paling istimewa...


Main sambil nyanyi... kekononnya Steve Wonder????

Hahahah...... drum pad pun ada you...

On the surface, attitude is the way you communicate your mood to others. When you are optimistic and anticipate successfull encounters, you transmit a positive attitude and people usually respond favorably. Inside your head, where it all starts, attitude is a mind set. ITS THE WAY YOU LOOK AT THINGS MENTALLY... how we do it??? This is our way. MUSIC